On August 31, 2019, Laurelbrook’s church services began with a Sabbath School song service led by Yzzynne and Kelly (sophomores). The opening song was “A Mighty Fortress”.
Freddy (sophomore) welcomed everyone. Gustavo (junior) had prayer and read the scripture reading – Psalm 91:7 “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; [but] it shall not come nigh thee.”
Freddy then read a mission story about an Adventist who moved to a small New Zealand town. After thinking over the various options, he decided to open a gym. He also started contributing to the Hope New Zealand channel, which featured him in a program or two. A non-Adventist couple was planning to move to this small town and contacted the Hope channel to find out if they could contact the Adventist gym owner. The couple moved, contacted the gym owner, attended the local Adventist church, and soon were baptized.
Freddy called for the Laurelbrook Missions Offering, which was collected by Daniel (sophomore) and Larron (junior).
The girls’ dorm sang a number for special music.
Denisse (sophomore) had the theme talk and announced the classes. James Brenneman taught the adult Sabbath School class in the main sanctuary, Warren McDaniels the student class “behind the glass” and Gerrie Vermaak the student class in the boys’ dorm lobby.
Personnel Other Than Students:
Gerrie Varmaak – works on the Laurelbrook farm
James Brenneman – one of the academy history and English teachers
Warren McDaniels – Laurelbrook president